Hi, I'm Ruth
Mom, architecture aficionado, interior designer, cook, dog-lover and traveler
The Back Story
Design isn't just my work—it's always been my life. I grew up in Milwaukee surrounded by my parents' unbridled creativity. My mom, who is Japanese, is an exquisite seamstress—hence my passion for fine fabrics and fashion. She also taught business administration to students from all walks of life. She inspired them—and me—to always go the extra mile. My Dutch-German dad was an artist and graphic designer, so he was constantly painting, sketching and drawing on napkins, placemats and even the church program! He loved road trips and architecture, so we spent many memorable weekends exploring the Frank Lloyd Wright buildings at SC Johnson headquarters in Racine and riding glass elevators, taking boat trips and visiting art galleries in Chicago. Whether because of nature or nurture, it seems inevitable that I would become an interior designer with a passion for architecture!
How I Work
For me, interior design is like cooking—another passion of mine. Planning and designing the interiors of a home is like making yosenabe, one of my favorite Japanese dishes. It's an aromatic and savory soup with a glorious balance of colors, textures and flavors including umami—that ineffable “fifth taste” that makes a great meal linger in one's memory. Even yose, which means “putting together” and nabe, which means "hot pot," are apt metaphors for the design process!
If I Wasn't an Interior Designer
I'd love to be the editor of a modern shelter magazine so I could interview architects and designers and photograph amazing homes around the world!
Working in the studio. The Technicolor-striped loveseat is one of my favorite estate sale finds!
"For me, interior design is about honing in on my clients' dreams, honoring the architecture of their home and enhancing their lives with color, energy and comfort."
"I treasure these circa-1960s paintings and illustrations by my dad, an artist and graphic designer."
Where I Find Inspiration
Amsterdam • Door County • Frank Lloyd Wright's SC Johnson HQ • Earth Wind & Fire • Mooi • Leonard Cohen's Anthem • Andree Putman • Ralph Pucci • James Radden • Alexander Girard • Lakeside • Takashi Murakami • Prince • Jayson Home • Ingo Maurer • My husband Paul and my daughter Tsuko • Marley, my poodle/Portugese Water Dog mix • Americanos